elin is very cautious regarding the impact of its activities on the natural environment, which is why it has developed a strict environmental policy.
The Group is very cautious regarding the impact of its activities on the natural environment, which is why it has developed a strict environmental policy.
elin is very cautious regarding the impact of its activities on the natural environment, which is why it has developed a strict environmental policy.
The Group is aiming at end-use energy saving through various information and technical activities while all liquid fuel and mineral oil storage and handling plants of the Group are equipped with a modern Vapor Recovery Unit (VRU).
We implement environmental legislation and the industry's best practices for environmental protection and the management of dangerous and non-dangerous waste throughout our supply chain and have signed relevant contracts to this end with licensed management institutions.
We are taking all managerial, organization and technical measures to control the risk of large-scale accidents related to the dangerous nature of substances; we have developed a Biofuels Sustainability Management System based on the voluntary 2BSvs scheme (Biomass Biofuels Sustainability Voluntary Scheme); we have been granted a Biomass and Biofuels Sustainability certification; we have designed and implement a Quality Management System which meets the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard for the collection, storage, handling and delivery of fuels and lubricants; we promote the value of recycling (mobile phones, batteries and electrical appliances) to our staff; we innovate by introducing the Crystal new generation of fuels, which protects human health and the environment.
With a view to keep supplying its plants in Volos and Porto Lagos, serving the elin island network of petrol stations in a problem-free way and remain active in the international trade by going beyond the requirements of modern shipping, the company has chartered 3 cutting-edge tanker ships, two of which, APILIOTIS and ZEFΥROS, have been awarded for their environmentally-friendly design.
More specifically, these two tanker ships feature double walls and a double bottom, state-of-the-art fuel level monitoring systems and closed loading of the tank trucks within the ship, thus excluding the possibility of any oil leaks in the event of an accident and ensuring the protection of the marine natural environment.
At the same time, the bottom loading technology of the dispensers and the vapor recovery systems these boast help them achieve zero fuel vapor emissions during loading, minimizing the environmental impact during the loading of their tank trucks.
elin owns 24 more tank trucks that help it serve its clients' needs. These vehicles have a GPS system and level gauges which enable tracking of their courses and the delivered qualities.
It is particularly important to note that the tank truck drivers are selected using strict criteria and are properly trained by the company, so that clients can be served with safety and certainty.