elin energy
Human Resources

Work Environment

The elin people are an invaluable capital for our business, since their rich experience and deep know-how allow them to stand out as the most crucial factor of its growth.

Combining their high-level scientific training with their accumulated know-how and deep knowledge of the market conditions, and being able to lead initiatives and implement pioneering ideas, the elin people successfully meet the actual needs of our clients and tailor our corporate strategy to these needs.

One of our principles is to cultivate the conditions which allow each member of our Team to actively participate in the growth and development of our company, putting their own skills to use and honing them while at the same time ensuring intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Elin, seeking its employees' development and training, makes sure that they attend seminars in order to improve their knowledge and strengthen their performance. In addition, the company, acknowledging the part that its people play in its business growth, rewards its staff every year with a productivity bonus.

The combination of the staff's team spirit, accord and love for their jobs and the company with the democratic, decentralized and efficient managerial style of elin creates a work environment which is rare to find in the market. In 2005, elin was awarded as one of the top 10 Greek businesses with the best work environment by the Great Place to Work Institute.