The Company “ELINOIL HELLENIC PETROLEUM COMPANY S.A.” announces, in accordance with Articles and 5.2 of the Athens Exchange Rulebook that, upon decision of the annual Ordinary General Meeting of its shareholders held on July 4th, 2024, the payment of dividends was approved. In particular, it was decided the payment of a dividend totaling 2.560.954,86€ (0,108€ per share of the Company (except for the 115,585 treasury shares), out of which a 5% tax corresponding to the dividend will be withheld pursuant to Article 24 of Law 4646/2019, which amended the provisions of Articles 40 & 64 of Law 4172/2013. Consequently, the final dividend amount paid will be EUR 0,1026 per share.
Monday, July 15th, 2024, was set as the Ex-Dividend Date. It is clarified that, pursuant to the Athens Exchange Rulebook, corporate actions must be carried out in accordance with the “record date” rule. Therefore, the beneficiaries of the corporate action will be the investors who are registered with the records of the Dematerialised Securities System (DSS) on the relevant date (record date). Consequently, the beneficiaries of the aforementioned dividend will be the persons who are registered with the records of the Dematerialised Securities System on the record date, namely Tuesday, July 16th, 2024.
Dividend payments shall commence on Friday, July 16th 2024 and they will be carried out by the Paying Bank, namely “Eurobank Ergasias SA”, which will pay the dividend by means of the following methods:
Dividends can be collected until December 31st, 2029.
For further information, the shareholders are advised to contact the Shareholders’ Service Department of the Company at the telephone number +30 210-6241547.
It is reminded that any dividends which will not be collected until December 31, 2029, will be time-barred and the relevant amounts will be owned by the Greek State according to article 1 of LD 1195/1942.
Kifissia, July 4th, 2024