"ELINOIL HELLENIC PETROLEUM COMPANY SA", in accordance with article 17 par. 1 of Regulation 596/2014 of the European Parliament and article 2 of decision 3/347/12.7.2005 of the Board of Directors of the Capital Market Commission, announces:
A) The resignation dated 31/8/2023 of the Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Charalambos Kynigos and the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors & Financial Director Mr. Georgios Tsounias.
B) The election dated 4/9/2023 of Mr. Politis Konstantinos and Mr. Papaioannou Ioannis as new members of the Board of Directors to replace the resigned members.
The new members will exercise their duties for the remaining period until the end of the term/tenure of the existing Board of Directors, namely until the Ordinary General Assembly that will take place within 2026. The election of the new members will be announced by the company's Board of Directors at the first forthcoming General Assembly of the company's shareholders to be convened.
C) The CV of Mr. Politis Konstantinos and that of Mr. Papaioannou Ioannis have been posted on the company's website www.elin.gr.
The reconstitution of the Board of Directors dated 4/9/2023, as follows:
1. Aligizakis Ioannis of Christos, Chairman of the Board of Directors & CEO (executive member)
2. Politis Konstantinos of Theodoros, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors (non-executive member)
3. Angelique Karnessis of Spyridon, member of the Board of Directors (non-executive member)
4. Papaioannou Ioannis of Athanasios, member of the Board of Directors (non-executive member)
5. Drollas Leonidas of Panagiotis, member of the Board of Directors (non-executive member)
6. Platis Dimitrios of Sotirios, member of the Board of Directors (independent non-executive member)
7. Sarantis Konstantinos of Theodoros, member of the Board of Directors (independent nonexecutive member)
D) The assumption of the position of Financial Director of the company by Ms. Tsachaki Maria, who shall continue to exercise her duties as Accounting Director at the same time. Mr. G. Tsounias will continue to provide his services to the company as Management Consultant.
The Board of Directors