elin energy
Our Companies

elin Stations

Innovative, modern service stations!

The company with the corporate name ELIN STATIONS TRADING CO. S.A., trading as ELIN STATIONS S.A. was incorporated on 22.7.2005 (Government Gazette 8646/04.08.05). The company was entered in the General Commercial Registry (G.E.MI.) under the no 6426401000 and its effective term is until 31.12.2090.

The company’s seat is the Municipality of Kifissia, Attica, its registered offices are at 33 Pigon St. and its business is to operate petrol stations, vessel refuelling stations and retail sales in general.

The company’s objects pursuant to Article 4 of its articles of association are as follows:

  • to engage in retail trade in all manner of goods and products in general and in particular trade in liquid fuels, lubricants, liquid gas, solid fuels and all manner of related products.
  • to represent Greek or foreign businesses.
  • to provide services related to the above,
  • to design and build technical works, especially petrol stations, car parks, marinas, facilities for petroleum products, solid fuels, and other energy sources, etc.
  • to carry on any similar business and
  • to establish subsidiaries or other companies and to participate in existing or established companies of any type (even shipping companies) whose objectives are similar or related to the objects of this company, and to collaborate in any other way with enterprises of that type.

Contact details

To contact elin Stations, please call: +30 210 62 41 500, Fax: +30 210 62 41 629

You can also contact us at: [email protected]

Board of Directors

The Company is managed by the Board of Directors, comprised of:

Chairman Ioannis Aligizakis
Vice-Chairman Maria Tsahaki
Members Dimitris Bilmezis
Vasilis Stoimenos
Alexandros – Ilias Vagias

The Board’s term in office expires on 05/09/2028