i. Shareholders exercise their rights regarding the administration of the Company through their participation in the General Meeting.
ii. Only the Company's Shareholders who have the shareholding status at the beginning of the fifth day preceding the General Meeting (article 124 of Law 4548/2018) are entitled to participate in the General Meeting. In case of non-compliance with the provisions of article 124 of Law 4548/2018, said shareholder may participate in the General Meeting only with the permission of the General Meeting.
iii. In relation to the Company, a shareholder entitled to participate in the General Meeting and to exercise voting rights shall be deemed to be a shareholder registered on the Record Date in the Dematerialised Securities System (DSS) of the Société Anonyme under the corporate name "HELLENIC CENTRAL SECURITIES DEPOSITORY" (EL.K.A.T.) or identified as such on the basis of the relevant date through registered intermediaries or other intermediaries in compliance with the provisions of the law (Law 4548 /2018, Law 4569/2018, Law 4706/2020 and Regulation (EU) 2018/1212) and the Rulebook of the Hellenic Central Securities Depository (Government Gazette B/1007/16.03.2021).
iv. For the exercise of the said Shareholder rights, it is no longer required that their shares be pledged or that any other similar procedure be followed that restricts the possibility of selling and transferring the shares during the period between the record date and the date of the General Meeting.
v. Shareholders entitled to attend the General Meeting may vote either in person or by proxy. Each shareholder may appoint up to three (3) proxies. Legal entities may participate in the General Meeting by appointing up to three (3) natural persons as their proxies. The Shareholder’s representative is obliged to inform the Company prior to the beginning of the General Meeting, about any event that could be of use to the Shareholders, in order for the General Meeting to assess the risk of the proxy serving other interests and not the interests of the represented Shareholder. A conflict of interest may arise in particular where the proxy: (a) is a Shareholder controlling the Company or is another legal person or entity controlled by that Shareholder; (b) is a member of the Board of Directors or general management of the Company or a Shareholder controlling the Company or another legal person or entity controlled by a Shareholder, who exercises control over the Company; c) is an employee or statutory auditor of the Company or of a shareholder who exercises control over the Company or another legal person or entity controlled by a Shareholder who exercises control over the Company; d) is the spouse or a first-degree relative of one of the natural persons referred to in cases a' to c'. The appointment and revocation of the proxy shall be made in writing and made known to the company's offices at least 48 hours before the date of the general meeting.
i. At the request of Shareholders representing 1/20 of the paid-up share capital, the Board of Directors is obliged to include additional items on the agenda of the General Meeting, provided that the aforementioned request is received by the Board of Directors at least fifteen (15) days prior to the General Meeting. A request to include additional items on the agenda must be accompanied by a justification or a draft resolution for approval at the General Meeting. The revised agenda shall be published in the same way as the previous agenda, thirteen (13) days before the date of the General Meeting and at the same time made available to Shareholders on the Company's website, together with the justification or draft resolution submitted by Shareholders.
ii. At the request of Shareholders representing 1/20 of the paid-up share capital, the Board of Directors is obliged to make available to the Shareholders, in accordance with the provisions of article 123 (3) of Law 4548/2018, at least six (6) days before the date of the General Meeting, draft resolutions on matters included in the original or revised agenda, provided that the relevant request is received by the Board of Directors at least seven (7) days before the date of the General Meeting.
iii. At the request of any Shareholder, submitted to the Company at least five (5) full days prior to the General Meeting, the Board of Directors is obliged to provide the General Meeting with the requested specific information on the affairs of the Company to the extent that this is relevant to the items on the agenda. The Board of Directors may provide a single reply to shareholder applications sharing the same content. There is no obligation to provide information when such information is already available through the corporate website, especially in the form of questions and answers.
iv. At the request of Shareholders representing 1/20 of the paid-up share capital, submitted to the Company at least five (5) full days prior to the General Meeting, the Board of Directors is obliged to disclose to the Ordinary General Meeting the amounts paid during the last two years to each member of the Board of Directors or to the managers of the Company, as well as any benefit paid to these persons for any reason or under any contract between the Company with them.
v. At the request of Shareholders representing 1/10 of the paid-up share capital, which must be submitted to the Company at least five (5) full days prior to the General Meeting, the Board of Directors must provide the General Meeting with information on the course of the Company's affairs and the Company's assets and liabilities.