Find detailed information on the use and integrated management of used lubricants
Regular analysis of used lubricant can act as a preventive maintenance tool, by providing customer with advice based on the sample analysis, comparison of customer’s equipment performance with that of similar machines, and a historical record of customer’s machinery.
Frequency of sampling has to be done on a regular basis in order to achieve statistically valid information. The frequency of sampling depends largely on experience, and adjustments can be made on the basis of the results of previous samples.
For a more detailed sampling scheme please see below:
The labeled samples, with the correctly completed sample cards, should be forwarded to your contact person at Elinoil Marine department:
Satisfied Customers is the primary aim of the company and this is achieved through specialized and highly trained personnel providing high quality services. On the basis of this corporate philosophy, elin is at the disposal of its customers to respond to any question of technical nature.
Contact the Department of Marine Lubricants to the corresponding link for any questions you may have: